Abundance from Mark-Recapture Data

Upper Niagara Springs Pond Rainbow Trout

Use single census mark-recapture techniques to estimate abundance of Rainbow Trout in Upper Niagara Springs Pond (ID).

Derek H. Ogle


Mar 8, 2019


Feb 13, 2023

Warren et al. (2004) examined the population of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Upper Niagara Springs Pond in 2000. Fish were captured at two times by using an electrofishing unit attached to a driftboat. The capture history of all fish examined in the two samples that were 100 mm and longer is in RBTroutUNSP.1 Use these data to answer the following questions.

  • 1 See “CSV file” link in “Source” section of linked page.

    1. Create a summary of the capture histories.
    2. From your capture history summary assign values to each of \(M\), \(n\), and \(m\).2
    3. Construct an appropriate population estimate, with a 95% confidence interval, for Upper Niagara Springs Pond Rainbow Trout in 2000. Carefully interpret the results.
    4. Which method did you use to construct the confidence interval? Explain why you chose that method.
  • 2 Symbols are as used in Ogle (2016).

  • Solution Code:

    Available upon request to students not in a class. Contact fishR maintainers.


    Ogle, D. H. 2016. Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
    Warren, C. D., K. A. Frank, and F. E. Partridge. 2004. Regional fisheries management investigations - Magic Valley region. Completion Report, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
