McCarrick et al. (2022) CPE Plot

Using ggplot2 to recreate the cpe by species, year, and length category figure in McCarrick et al. (2022).
bar chart
Data Wrangling

Derek H. Ogle


Mar 22, 2023


Mar 21, 2023

Series Note

This is the first of several posts related to McCarrick et al. (2022).


McCarrick et al. (2022) examined the population dynamics of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri) in Henrys Lake, Idaho over a nearly two decade period. Their Figure 2 shows the catch-per-unit-effort (CPE) of both Cutthroat Trout and Utah Chub (Gila atraria) by size categories across years. I use ggplot2 to recreate that figure here.

The following packages are loaded for use below. A few functions from each of lubridate, FSA, plyr, scales, gghrx, and lemon are used with :: such that the entire packages are not attached here.

library(tidyverse)  # for dplyr, ggplot2 packages
library(patchwork)  # for arranging multiple plots

You will see below that I could recreate the structure but not the exact results of the author’s Figure 2. This may be due to issues present in the data provided with the publication that I discuss below, but it could also be that my data wrangling differs from theirs. I defer to the authors here as they are the experts with their day; I am just an interloper. I actually appreciate these data issues from an educational perspective as they provide rich opportunities to demonstrate a variety of techniques with “real” “messy” data.


Data Wrangling

Reading Excel File and Handling Dates

McCarrick et al. (2022) provided raw data for Figure 2 as an Excel file in their Data Supplement S1. Several “issues” were apparent on my first attempts to load these data.

  • Missing data was recorded as missing cells, with “??”, and with “UNK”.
  • There were oddly placed strings in some data fields (e.g., “Qty=”, “Qty =”, and “No Tag”). [I treated these as missing data below.]
  • Dates were recorded as just year, full date with two-digit year, and full date with four-digit year. [More on this below.]
  • Inconsistent “species” abbreviations. [More on this below.]
  • Incorrect length and weight measurements (e.g., <10 mm, >2000 mm). [I treated these “as is” (i.e., without correction) for this post.]

The missing data and oddly named cells were handled with na= below. In addition, the column types were specifically defined in col_types=, primarily so that the first column would be largely correctly read as a date. The year was then extracted from the Date variable using year() from lubridate. However, the dates recorded in the original file as only a year were interpreted as an “Excel date code” rather than a date and, thus, the year was not extracted correctly. Fortunately, this “date” format was only used for one year (2002) such that the extracted year was consistently “1905.” Thus, the “1905” was replaced with “2002” for the extracted year with ifelse() as shown below. Several years did not exist (because the date was not recorded) and were removed with filter(). Finally, the variables were rearranged slightly, Species was changed to species for consistency with other variables, and the long effort variable was changed to the shorter netNights.1

  • 1 Note that this code still produced a large number of warnings, all related to the “2002” “date”.

  • dat <- readxl::read_xlsx("download.xlsx",
                             na=c("","??","QTY =","QTY=","UNK","NO TAG"),
                                         "numeric","numeric","text")) |>
             year=ifelse(year==1905,2002,year)) |>
      filter(! |>
      select(species=Species,year,length,weight,netNights=`number of net nights`)
    #R|        species year length weight netNights
    #R|  1         YCT 2002    150     NA        18
    #R|  2         YCT 2002    160     NA        18
    #R|  3         YCT 2002    160     NA        18
    #R|  23971     YCT 2020    391    550        30
    #R|  23972     YCT 2020    284    229        30
    #R|  23973     YCT 2020    440    853        30

    New Effort Data Frame

    The effort (i.e., netNights) variable seems out-of-place in the sense that each row of this data frame is a single fish. I suspected that this effort is actually for a year and was repeated for each fish captured in the same year. To examine my suspicion, I computed the minimum and maximum effort (and the difference between the two) for each year.

    dat |>
      group_by(year) |>
    #R|  # A tibble: 19 × 4
    #R|      year  minF  maxF  diff
    #R|     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
    #R|   1  2002    18    18     0
    #R|   2  2003    18    18     0
    #R|   3  2004    50    50     0
    #R|   4  2005    46    46     0
    #R|   5  2006    48    48     0
    #R|   6  2007    44    44     0
    #R|   7  2008    12    12     0
    #R|   8  2009    23    23     0
    #R|   9  2010    50    50     0
    #R|  10  2011    30    30     0
    #R|  11  2012    50    50     0
    #R|  12  2013    50    50     0
    #R|  13  2014    48    48     0
    #R|  14  2015    50    50     0
    #R|  15  2016    48    48     0
    #R|  16  2017    50    50     0
    #R|  17  2018    50    50     0
    #R|  18  2019    50    50     0
    #R|  19  2020    30    50    20

    The minimum and maximum efforts are the same for each, with the exception of 2020. I suspect that this is a typo. A quick table of efforts for 2020 shows that the vast majority are 30, rather than 50, net-nights. Further, my initial analysis with these data resulted in CPE values for 2020 that were lower than what was shown in McCarrick et al. (2022). Thus, I am going to assume that 30 net-nights of effort was used in 2020 (see how this is corrected below).

    #R|  netNights
    #R|   30  50 
    #R|  865   9

    For my purposes, I am going to create a new data frame of annual levels of effort by finding the minimum netNights in each year. The minimum is used here because it is the actual effort for all years that properly had a constant netNights entered and it is the assumed correct netNights for 2020 when a constant value was not entered.

    eff <- dat |>
      group_by(year) |>
    #R|  # A tibble: 19 × 2
    #R|      year netNights
    #R|     <dbl>     <dbl>
    #R|   1  2002        18
    #R|   2  2003        18
    #R|   3  2004        50
    #R|   4  2005        46
    #R|   5  2006        48
    #R|   6  2007        44
    #R|   7  2008        12
    #R|   8  2009        23
    #R|   9  2010        50
    #R|  10  2011        30
    #R|  11  2012        50
    #R|  12  2013        50
    #R|  13  2014        48
    #R|  14  2015        50
    #R|  15  2016        48
    #R|  16  2017        50
    #R|  17  2018        50
    #R|  18  2019        50
    #R|  19  2020        30

    The netNights variables is no longer needed in the individual fish data frame.

    dat <- dat |>

    Filtering to Two Species

    Figure 2 in McCarrick et al. (2022) only displays results for Cutthroat Trout and Utah Chub. Thus, the data frame should be reduced to just these species. First, a look at how species are identified.

    #R|   [1] "YCT"     "BKT"     "HYB"     "CHB"     "RSS"     "UTC"     "KOK"    
    #R|   [8] "BRT"     "CHUB"    NA        "HB"      "Yct"     "NO FISH" "SCU"

    From the published paper it is apparent that “YCT” is for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and “UTC” is for Utah Chub. But note the “Yct” and the “CHB” and “CHUB”. A little closer look at just these abbreviations by year suggests that “Yct” is a “one-off” typo, but that “CHB” and “CHUB” appeared to be used in some years when “UTC” was mostly not used. This suggested to me that “CHB” and “CHUB” were likely synonyms for “UTC”.

    xtabs(~year+species,data=filter(dat,species %in% c("YCT","Yct","UTC","CHB","CHUB")))
    #R|        species
    #R|  year    CHB CHUB  UTC  Yct  YCT
    #R|    2002    0    0    0    0   55
    #R|    2003   84    0    2    0  162
    #R|    2004    0    0  728    0  323
    #R|    2005    0    0  294    0  305
    #R|    2006    0    0  424    0  269
    #R|    2007    0    0  895    0  658
    #R|    2008    0  606    0    0  100
    #R|    2009    0    0  512    0   91
    #R|    2010    0    0    0    0  502
    #R|    2011    0  440    0    0  374
    #R|    2012    0    0  692    0  500
    #R|    2013    0    0 1858    0  478
    #R|    2014    0    0 1767    1  475
    #R|    2015    0    0 1660    0  254
    #R|    2016    0    0 1078    0  265
    #R|    2017    0    0 1025    0  149
    #R|    2018    0    0 1273    0   76
    #R|    2019    0    0  696    0  219
    #R|    2020    0    0  414    0  198

    Thus, species is modified below by combining “YCT” and “Yct” into “YCT”, and combining “UTC”, “CHB”, and “CHUB” into “UTC”.2 The data frame was subsequently reduced to just these two species.

  • 2 And leaving all other species “names” as-is.

  • dat <- dat |>
        species %in% c("YCT","Yct") ~ "YCT",
        species %in% c("UTC","CHB","CHUB") ~ "UTC",
        TRUE ~ species
      ) |>
      filter(species %in% c("YCT","UTC"))
    # just checking
    #R|  [1] "YCT" "UTC"

    Adding Gabelhouse Length Categories

    Figure 2 separates the data into panels based on Gabelhouse length categories (i.e., “Stock”, “Quality”, etc.). These categories can be efficiently added to the data frame using psdAdd() from FSA, but psdAdd() requires full species names rather than abbreviations. mapvalues() from plyr is used below to create a new variable with the full names derived from the abbreviations.

    dat <- dat |>
                                      to=c("Cutthroat Trout","Utah Chub")))
    # just checking
    #R|         species2
    #R|  species Cutthroat Trout Utah Chub
    #R|      UTC               0     14448
    #R|      YCT            5454         0

    Now the length categories may be added using species2.

    dat <- dat |>
    #R|        species year length weight        species2     gcat
    #R|  1         YCT 2002    150     NA Cutthroat Trout substock
    #R|  2         YCT 2002    160     NA Cutthroat Trout substock
    #R|  3         YCT 2002    160     NA Cutthroat Trout substock
    #R|  19900     YCT 2020    391    550 Cutthroat Trout  quality
    #R|  19901     YCT 2020    284    229 Cutthroat Trout    stock
    #R|  19902     YCT 2020    440    853 Cutthroat Trout  quality

    Computing CPE

    From this, the data needs to be summarized to produce the CPE for each species for each year for each length category and for all fish regardless of length category. Development of this data frame will begin by counting the number of fish (i.e., rows) for each length category within each year within each species.

    catch_gcat <- dat |>
      group_by(species,year,gcat) |>
    #R|  # A tibble: 162 × 4
    #R|  # Groups:   species, year [36]
    #R|     species  year gcat      catch
    #R|     <chr>   <dbl> <fct>     <int>
    #R|   1 UTC      2003 substock      5
    #R|   2 UTC      2003 stock        41
    #R|   3 UTC      2003 quality      21
    #R|   4 UTC      2003 preferred    15
    #R|   5 UTC      2003 memorable     4
    #R|   6 UTC      2004 substock      2
    #R|   7 UTC      2004 stock       535
    #R|   8 UTC      2004 quality     128
    #R|   9 UTC      2004 preferred    52
    #R|  10 UTC      2004 memorable    11
    #R|  # … with 152 more rows

    Note in the previous output that catch_gcat is still “grouped” by year within species. Thus, catch can summed from this data frame to find the total catch per year for each species.3

  • 3 Ungroup this data frame as we will not summarize it further.

  • catch_all <- catch_gcat |>
      summarize(catch=sum(catch)) |>
    #R|  # A tibble: 36 × 3
    #R|     species  year catch
    #R|     <chr>   <dbl> <int>
    #R|   1 UTC      2003    86
    #R|   2 UTC      2004   728
    #R|   3 UTC      2005   294
    #R|   4 UTC      2006   424
    #R|   5 UTC      2007   895
    #R|   6 UTC      2008   606
    #R|   7 UTC      2009   512
    #R|   8 UTC      2011   440
    #R|   9 UTC      2012   692
    #R|  10 UTC      2013  1858
    #R|  # … with 26 more rows

    As Figure 2 displays all fish and fish by length category, these two data frames should be row-bound (i.e., stacked) together. Figure 2 does not have panels for “substock”, “memorable”, or “trophy” sized fish so fish in those length categories were removed from the resultant data frame. Finally, a new variable called type was created that has the names from gcat, or “All” if gcat was NA4.

  • 4 gcat for “all fish” after bind_rows() was NA as gcat was not present in catch_all

  • cpe_dat <- bind_rows(catch_all,catch_gcat) |>
      filter(!(gcat %in% c("substock","memorable","trophy"))) |>
    #R|      species year catch      gcat      type
    #R|  1       UTC 2003    86      <NA>       All
    #R|  2       UTC 2004   728      <NA>       All
    #R|  3       UTC 2005   294      <NA>       All
    #R|  143     YCT 2020    52     stock     stock
    #R|  144     YCT 2020   132   quality   quality
    #R|  145     YCT 2020    13 preferred preferred

    Finally, these data are left-join()ed (by year) with eff to add netNights, from which a new cpe variable is created. type was converted to a factor to match the vertical order of Figure 2, and the levels were given longer labels to match the labels in Figure 2. Finally, the variables were re-ordered (and gcat was dropped) for personal preference.

    cpe_dat <- cpe_dat |>
      left_join(eff,by="year") |>
                         labels=c("All fish","Stock to Quality",
                                  "Quality to Preferred","Preferred to Memorable"))) |>
    #R|      species year                   type catch netNights        cpe
    #R|  1       UTC 2003               All fish    86        18  4.7777778
    #R|  2       UTC 2004               All fish   728        50 14.5600000
    #R|  3       UTC 2005               All fish   294        46  6.3913043
    #R|  143     YCT 2020       Stock to Quality    52        30  1.7333333
    #R|  144     YCT 2020   Quality to Preferred   132        30  4.4000000
    #R|  145     YCT 2020 Preferred to Memorable    13        30  0.4333333

    This data frame, now called cpe_dat, is now ready for recreating Figure 2.

    Quick Summaries of CPE

    Before recreating Figure 2, I summarized the CPE data by species and year for comparison to results in McCarrick et al. (2022).

    cpe_dat |>
      filter(type=="All fish") |>
      group_by(species) |>
    #R|  # A tibble: 2 × 9
    #R|    species     n ttlcatch mncpe sdcpe mincpe minyr maxcpe maxyr
    #R|    <chr>   <int>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
    #R|  1 UTC        18    14459 20.0  12.9   0.239  2005   50.5  2008
    #R|  2 YCT        19     5454  7.16  3.48  1.52   2018   15.0  2007

    In the first paragraph of the results, McCarrick et al. (2022) found the overall mean (and SD) CPE was 7.4 (3.6) for YCT and 19.9 (13.0) for UTC, which is close to what I obtained for UTC but not for YTC. In addition, they found a peak CPE of 15.4 for YCT in 2007 and 50.5 for UTC in 2008, again very close to my results for UTC but not that close for YCT. Finally, in the label for Figure 2 they reported 5,524 YCT were captured, whereas my results only show 5,454.


    Recreating Figure 2

    My general strategy for recreating Figure 2 was to create the left and right panels of subplots separately and then combine them using patchwork. Each side can be constructed via faceting on type, but I will use facet_rep_wrap() from lemon so as to have the x-axis tick marks on each panel.5 Each panel will be create with geom_col() using width=1 so that the bars touch and geom_text() to place the labels.6 The x- and y-axes were modified as is commonly done.7 Finally, I used theme_bw() as a base, removed the gridlines and removed the facet labels and background.8 As you examine the code below, make sure to realize that the data was filtered to just “YCT”.

  • 5 See this post about facet_rep_wrap().

  • 6 See this post for more explanation of how to use geom_text() in this way.

  • 7 And is described more in this post.

  • 8 As described in this post.

  • YCT <- ggplot(data=filter(cpe_dat,species=="YCT"),
                  mapping=aes(x=year,y=cpe)) +
      geom_col(color="black",fill="gray70",width=1) +
                check_overlap=TRUE,size=3) +
      scale_y_continuous(name="YCT per net night",
                         expand=expansion(mult=0)) +
                         expand=expansion(mult=0)) +
      lemon::facet_rep_wrap(vars(type),ncol=1) +
      theme_bw() +

    The code above was largely repeated but with data filtered to just “UTC” and adjusting the y-axis accordingly. The plot is not shown here but is the right side in the plot further below.

    UTC <- ggplot(data=filter(cpe_dat,species=="UTC"),mapping=aes(x=year,y=cpe)) +
      geom_col(color="black",fill="gray70",width=1) +
                check_overlap=TRUE,size=3) +
      scale_y_continuous(name="UTC per net night",
                         expand=expansion(mult=0)) +
                         expand=expansion(mult=0)) +
      lemon::facet_rep_wrap(vars(type),ncol=1) +
      theme_bw() +

    The two subplots are then placed side-by-side.

    YCT + UTC


    Further Thoughts

    I wanted to see if I could make a similar looking plot using facet_grid(). It turns out to be a bit of a challenge because each panel on the left- and right-sides has the same y-axis, but those axes differ between the two sides. I found a way around this.

    First, I changed species to a factor with “YCT” in the first position so it would be plotted on the left (i.e., first). I also gave the levels longer labels so that the facets would have useful labels.

    cpe_dat <- cpe_dat |>
                            labels=c("Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout","Utah Chub")))

    The y-axis needs to be defined for each facet. However, these definitions should be constant within species. Thus, I define limits and breaks for both YCT and UTC and saved them as objects. In addition, to save typing, I also defined the expansion factor as an object.

    YCT_lmts <- c(0,16)
    YCT_brks <- scales::breaks_width(2)
    UTC_lmts <- c(0,60)
    UTC_brks <- scales::breaks_width(10)
    yexp <- expansion(mult=0)

    The basic plot uses the same ggplot() (except the data is not filtered), geom_col(), scale_x_continous(), and theme_bw() as before. The geom_text() has been eliminated because the “type” labels are going to be in the facet labels rather than “on the plot.” The part of theme() that removed the facet labels has been eliminated as facet labels are needed here. The spacing between panels was increased in theme() here. facet_rep_wrap() was replaced with facet_grid2() from ggh4x, where the rows are defined by type, the columns are defined by species, the y-axes are “free” and “independent” from facet to facet.9 Finally, facetted_pos_scales() from ggh4x is used to apply a different scale_y_continous() to each panel.10

  • 9 The independent="y" part is the main thing that facet_grid2() adds over facet_grid() from ggplot2.

  • 10 facetted_pos_scales() is described in more detail in this post.

  • ggplot(data=cpe_dat,mapping=aes(x=year,y=cpe)) +
      geom_col(color="black",fill="gray70",width=1) +
                         expand=expansion(mult=0)) +
                         scales="free_y",independent="y") +
      theme_bw() +
            panel.spacing=unit(10,units="pt")) +
          scale_y_continuous(name="# Fish per net night",



    McCarrick, D. K., J. C. Dillon, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Population dynamics of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(1):169–181.



    BibTeX citation:
    @online{h. ogle2023,
      author = {H. Ogle, Derek},
      title = {McCarrick Et Al. (2022) {CPE} {Plot}},
      date = {2023-03-22},
      url = {},
      langid = {en}
    For attribution, please cite this work as:
    H. Ogle, D. 2023, March 22. McCarrick et al. (2022) CPE Plot.